Lore/Letter From Rochelle Anders

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Lore.pngLetter From Rochelle Anders is a lore note.


Page Name Page Number Location Description
TO FATHER, (1/2) Lore.png Letter From Rochelle Anders (1/2)
LETTER DELIVERED (2/2) Given by the Blacksmith
after reading TO FATHER,

Entries (2/2)

I know we didn't part on good terms. And you know I'm bad with words.

When I look at the sky, I recall how you taught me to glide. Remember how I was so scared to jump, to drop down the ledge of the harbor? You were there. You held my hand. Guided my strike when I hammered my first iron, sparks flying. You never wavered.

. . . I didn't mean to raze your forge and burn it all. . . I was angry. Livid. I have a mother's temperament, as you always say. I'm sending new Smithing Tools. They're good! Really good. I tried them. . . Right. I'm stalling. We both know I'm not good at goodbyes. A true Anders at heart, like mother.

— Rochelle

The letter written by Rochelle Anders was handed to her father, Oswald Anders. The Blacksmith will cherish the gift.