Lore/Hunter's Notes

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Lore.pngHunter's Notes is a lore note.


Page Name Page Number Location Description
LONG WAY FROM HOME (1/3) Lore.png Hunter's Notes (1/3)
A SLEEPLESS NIGHT (2/3) Lore.png Hunter's Notes (2/3)
LEAVE THE ROT BEHIND (3/3) Lore.png Hunter's Notes (3/3)

Entries (3/3)

I've entered the thicket. Plenty of cover, but too much mud — I'm leaving footprints. I miss the solid, rocky mountain paths and kicking pebbles down chasms to wait for the echo.

A strange odor hangs over the bog. Foul and fermented, it reminds me of the distilleries near Howling Pike. I decided to avoid Glennwood's End. . . Too much activity and I taste copper in the water. . . Bad omens. I'll drift away from here as soon as possible.

A comforting heat emanates from the rocks so I won't need a fire tonight. I hear them in the distance, searching, howling. It's the wind that carries their madness my way, a draft from the mines. What are they digging for? Their screams rip through the night and scare away all prey. I'm starving.

Should I have stocked up on resources when I was near Glennwood's End? No. The whole place reeks of blood and betrayal. I know the scent well. I'll walk with hunger in my heart if I must.


Excavation camp.png Abandoned Hunter Camp

Finally, fresh air. Not heavy with the scent of pollen or sweet, sickening decay. My head spins. I haven't slept in days. Not since I left my spindle in the Revelwood atop that cliffside. So far away now. . . but I can't turn back.

I had to flee. Something sinister is buried in that thicket. . . spreads through the undergrowth like roots. It embraces and entangles, squeezes and suffocates. Shimmering in the darkness, between the branches, under the skin: the silky web of a two-clawed hunting spider.

Nightmares like these are forged by man, I've learned.


Excavation camp.png Abandoned Hunter Camp