Lore/One Last Journey

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Lore.pngOne Last Journey is a lore note.


Page Name Page Number Location Description
MY FINAL JOURNEY (1/3) Lore.png One Last Journey (1/3)
TIRED (2/3) Lore.png One Last Journey (2/3)
WANDERING (3/3) Lore.png One Last Journey (3/3)

Entries (3/3)

My brother, all hope seems to be lost for me. The nurse, Helên, says there's nothing for me to do but rest. . . But I won't have ot.

The people of the Kindlewastes, they speak of the Ancients as if they could do anything. . . do you recall the obelisk? Where we used to play as children? I will make my way there, no matter what. Perhaps there's a cure for me yet. Do not follow — you can't stop me.

— Vettel

We would pretend to read them as children. . . But now, the obelisks hide their truths. . . I was a fool for thinking I could find a solution to my problems here. No one hears my prayers, and I feel so tired. I wish you were by my side, brother. Forgive me. — Vettel

The boots of a wanderer were found alongside a body, seemingly handcrafted a long time ago. Weathered and worn, but still holding up.