Lore/Caravan Raid

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Lore.pngCaravan Raid is a lore note.


Page Name Page Number Location Description
THERE'S NOTHING HERE!! (1/2) Lore.png Caravan Raid (1/2)
NONE CAN FOOL ME! (2/2) Lore.png Caravan Raid (2/2)

Entries (2/2)

You'd think queen Jezmina would travel with style — some class, yes? Some luxury? Some Elixir, right? NOTHING! Just... paints and pillows — pah!

At least I found an Almanac of Plants and Seedlings in Jezmina's tent. I'll just pretend as though there wasn't any other loot if Simon asks. Hope I can fool him... keen-eyed, that guy.

Other than my private little treasures, there's barely anything for Surat's Rest... except the dried Yucca Fruit, maybe. Don't tell matron Kendal! Their mine, too!

Thor came back from that scouting mission last night. He chucked this dusty bag with scrolls at me, and said it's the only thing they could scavenge. I know that fool well enough to see when he's lying through his teeth!

My old friend pocketed a treasure for himself, but I won't rat him out. Instead, we'll gift that almanac to the matron as a tribute.

And the treasure — well, Thor will have to share. Whatever he looted from queen Jezmina's tent will be stashed away at his favorite spot, I reckon. After all this time, he still hasn't found a better hiding place than the top of that old watchtower.