Lore/Love Letter To Queen Jezmina

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Lore.pngLove Letter To Queen Jezmina is a lore note.


Page Name Page Number Location Description
TO MY BELOVED QUEEN (1/2) Lore.png Love Letter to Queen Jezmina (1/2)
DON'Y LEAVE MY SIDE (2/2) Lore.png Love Letter to Queen Jezmina (2/2)

Entries (2/2)

Your skin, tinted olive brown, stunning and soft. . . Your voice — a roar, a hush — always a sweet sonnet on your lips. My heart blossoms at the sight of you. I want to walk alongside you, to see your footsteps next to mine in the sand. . . to feel the desert wind, and to dance with you in my arms. . . it's all I hope for,

— Emily

Jezmina, is it true? The Ancients call upon you to stay behind as the rest of us slumber? Will you be there when I awake? Please, you cannot leave my side! You're my all! Why must we change? I miss the old days when we used to travel. . . together, side by side. You let me linger next to you. You held my hand. And now? All this secrecy, for what? I thought you could confide in me. I don't want the Ancients to drive us apart! I'll lose all faith! If you must go, at least give me a farewell kiss. All my heart, — Emily