Lore/Amber's Final Resting Place

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Lore.pngAmber's Final Resting Place is a lore note.


Page Name Page Number Location Description
A CHOSEN GRAVE SITE (1/2) Lore.png Amber's Final Resting Place (1/2)
OUR DEAREST AMBER (2/2) Lore.png Amber's Final Resting Place (2/2)

Entries (2/2)

Amber was found dead in Surat's Rest. She'd escaped there, hoping for a better life...but loud and righteous girls like her don't last long in a pit of vipers. We are both consumed with grief, but her mother can barely get out of bed. As husband and father I have agreed to pick a place where we can lay her to rest.

I think the tree behind our home will do nicely. A quiet orchard by the river...her favorite place to sit and ponder. She's so bright, so well spoken. We are nothing without her light and grace. Deciding what to write on her tombstone is pure torture. My heart feels so heavy, it might'ave turned to stone.

Wherever your spirit walks, please know that you've shined brighter than the Ancient Flame whilst you blessed lives.