Lore/The Elixir

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Lore.pngThe Elixir is a lore note.


Page Name Page Number Location Description
ABOUT THE ELIXIR (1/2) Given by the Alchemist
if Elixir is in inventory.[1]
DRANK ELIXIR (2/2) Given by the Alchemist
after drinking an Elixir.
  1. Drinking an Elixir before talking to the Alchemist may cause these lore notes to become unobtainable.

Entries (2/2)

The Alchemist warned about the use of the Elixir One mustn't drink it, despite its benefits.

The Elixir grants great power, but has horrible long-term effects. The Alchemist says that this Elixir has caused many problems for the world and its people. It caused the Elixir War.