Lore/Pillars of Creation Research Site

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Lore.pngPillars of Creation Research Site is a lore note.


Page Name Page Number Location Description
NEW THEORIES! (1/2) Lore.png Pillars of Creation Research Site (1/2)
I COMPLETELY FUMBLED IT (2/2) Lore.png Pillars of Creation Research Site (2/2)

Entries (2/2)

I must reconsider my studies! Before, I believed this mountain of the Pillars of Creation to be an active volcano... the pit of lava is proof! I figured the top of this mass must have been ripped open during a prehistoric eruption, shaping the land as we know it!

And the strange structure, well — perhaps a place of prayer and solace, built by the Ancients in an earlier age. Sadly, I was not the first to see it. Another expedition arrived before me. Eastern folk, led by a "Nala". They believe it's "a gateway" of some kind... truly interesting. I will rethink my theories!

— Caspian

The ominous structure — ... we cannot decipher its meaning. Caspian, that cretin, asked about our progress — I just stammered and made something up. Said that it's a gateway to the stars — that the Ancients built it to open a path into the sky, fueled by the energy of the fire. I think he bought it. I don't want Caspian to figure this out before us... I plundered his masonry tools and hid them in our own camp.

If Loraine Crim was here, she'd judge me, but oh well. Guess the dam is keeping her busy.
— Nala