Lore/Skimmer's Cove Mischief

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Lore.pngSkimmer's Cove Mischief is a lore note.


Page Name Page Number Location Description
TRUTH OR DARE? (1/1) Lore.png Skimmer's Cove Mischief (1/1)

Entries (1/1)

Claudy, I dare you to join me for a little mischief! We're meeting at Skimmer's Cove tonight with June and Ricky. June wants to steal her father's lantern so we can travel there at nightfall. . . I know how to get past the guards since last summer, so no worries.

Ricky says he's gonna yell real loud to rock the cove and lure out the lizard creatures! I think he won't dare though. He's a chicken!

Crawl out your window at midnight if you dare to join. I left some lanterns out for you. We got snacks, too! OR: Tell Ricky you like him! You won't!! 'Cause you're a chicken as well!