Lore/Mystery Of Eldermere Dam

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Lore.pngMystery Of Eldermere Dam is a lore note.


Page Name Page Number Location Description
ON THE DISAPPEARANCE OF WATER (1/1) Lore.png Mystery of Eldermere Dam (1/1)

Entries (1/1)

Field Notes — Day 19

Believe it or not, water used to be plentiful in the Kindlewastes. Yet when I asked some of the locals what befell these lands, I could not get a consistent answer from any of them. Everything from a mysterious sun god sucking the water into the heavens to the ground cracking open and the entire lake basin draining like a fishbowl. . . none of it made sense. The fact is — one day, Eldermere Dam stopped giving water, even when the spillways were completely opened.

I have heard whispers from far corners of Embervale of a blight emerging from beneath the ground, a world killer. Could these two environmental calamities be related?

Loraine Crim