Lore/Spitting Plants

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Lore.pngSpitting Plants is a lore note.


Page Name Page Number Location Description
DEAR OSKAR, (1/2) Lore.png Spitting Plants (1/2)
THE WEEDS ARE BAD ENOUGH (2/2) Lore.png Spitting Plants (2/2)

Entries (2/2)

You've always been my favorite nephew — young and spry! Oskar, my old bones rattle. I can hardly care for the Lush Pasture anymore. . . a shame! Such sprawling fields, ripe and bountiful! Perfect for a young lad as yourself.

I will leave this peaceful homestead in your caring hands!

These barren lands are now wrecked by creeping sprouts!! They burst through the soil faster than I can cut them down! Vile things, spitting bile and brine! All the fields rot, the decay spreads deeply. . . There's no saving the pasture! Blast it all! I'll start anew elsewhere. Pass it to Oskar, that fool. Never liked him much anyway. Snotty brat.