Lore/The Alchemist's Theories I

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Lore.pngThe Alchemist's Theories I is a lore note.


Page Name Page Number Location Description
ON THE FLAME AND ITS MURMURS (1/5) Lore.png The Alchemist's Theories I (1/5)
FLAME SHRINES (2/5) Lore.png The Alchemist's Theories I (2/5)
THE ANCIENT SPIRE, BEACONS OF LIGHT (3/5) Lore.png The Alchemist's Theories I (3/5)
ON ELIXIR WELL, THE SPRINGS OF THE ELIXIR (4/5) Lore.png The Alchemist's Theories I (4/5)
THE ELIXIR, A FLOOD OF WOE (5/5) Lore.png The Alchemist's Theories I (5/5)

Entries (5/5)

Pure light engulfs the knowledge of the ancient breed, protects it in a flaming core. Wisdom far beyond my own imagination. I could stare into the fire for hours, seeking answers, a whisper. . . But I hear none. Despite possessing a voice, it only speaks to those born from the Flame.

A shame, as I believe we could have quite enlightened conversations.

— Balthazar

A rather adventurous landing, but I'm quite satisfied otherwise. After all, I found a Flame Shrine. I postulate that the Ancients leave behind a Spark after they expire. Their light joins the flame and imbues all knowledge collected throughout their lifespan. At times, however, they rest in these shrines, atop cliffs or amidst far away caves. . . What whispers of wisdom are they hiding? . . . Also, how does one get down from here? — Balthazar

These spires stretch to the firmament and deny entry to those who are unworthy. The ancient breed enters, but I've never seen them leave. . . I've 2 theories: 1. The Ancient Spires are somehow connected to one another, and the silent ones travel between them as they please. 2. The Ancient Spires serve as a burial site, similar to the Flame Shrine. The Ancients store all knowledge of the land in the Flame here when they leave the mortal plane. One way or another, I cannot enter. When I step on the ornate plate, nothing occurs. What a shame. — Balthazar

Another Elixir Well is built on the backs of workers, slaving away tirelessly to gouge a tunnel into the earth. The plans for this construction are..otherworldly.
The chasm spits fumes with every jab. Thin veils of mist cause headaches and irritate the eyes... All for "the Elixir". I hope this foul air will not spread to Lone Whistle.

It's a formula I do not quite grasp, sophisticated beyond imagination. I'm not surprised to know that the source of this recipe is otherworldly. Created from the flesh of these tiny, delicate fungi growing deep beneath the earth. . . It grants power. Yet, when I look at this flask, worry fills my heart, This will never be a cure. This will always be a weapon. Perhaps the Ancients wanted to hide this for a reason. — Balthazar