Lore/Searching for Hidden Tombs

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Lore.pngSearching for Hidden Tombs is a lore note.


Page Name Page Number Location Description
IMAGINE THIS: (1/3) Lore.png Searching for Hidden Tombs (1/3)
MISFORTUNE STRIKES LIKE LIGHTNING (2/3) Lore.png Searching for Hidden Tombs (2/3)
I NEED YOUR HELP (3/3) Lore.png Searching for Hidden Tombs (3/3)

Entries (3/3)

You spot sunken stone pillars on the horizon, obscured by mounds of dirt. They stretch towards the sky like a titan's stone-cold fingerbones. The mark of a hidden tomb! The stairs inside lead into darkness. Torch in hand, you slip down into uncertainty. Into dread. Yet, your search drives you deeper. A morbid treasure calls for you, left to rot in the dust! Is it family jewels? Heirlooms from faraway shores? Whatever it is, my friend, it'll be the foundation of our empire! The cornerstone to a fortress raised from spilled blood!

Sounds good? I know the rough location. If you take up the search, Gerith, I'll split the goods. Deal?

Tomb.png Hidden Tomb Entry

The lightning sets the skies ablaze. It's my only source of light since the fire was doused by this merciless downpour. Of course, I had seen the clouds gather before I left to search the hidden tomb. I had tasted the threat in the breeze. Despite the warning signs, he pushed me to venture forth.

You can wait out the storm, but the water may smother our treasure in mud! Can you bear to see our empire wash away, Gerith? Oh, that silver-tongued devil. The tomb is close by, but wind and rain bar me from venturing further! These creaking trees scarcely shelter me, so I'll surely be soak—

(The text ends abruptly.)

Tomb.png Hidden Tomb Entry

You have the sharpest gaze around. Keep your keen eyes open for my brother, will you? I haven't heard from Gerith since the storm. Last time we spoke, he planned to loot this hidden tomb. I don't know where exactly, but he said it wasn't too far from here.

So please, if you spot a scrawny lad on the horizon, don't shoot! Notify me instead. It might be my brother Gerith!

Tomb.png Hidden Tomb Entry