Lore/The Morning Grind

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Lore.pngThe Morning Grind is a lore note.


Page Name Page Number Location Description
I HEARD A CRACK (1/2) Lore.png The Morning Grind (1/2)
RING RECIEVED (2/2) Lore.png The Morning Grind (2/2)

Entries (2/2)

Early in the morn', I was manning the grindmill. . . T'was creaking all wicked. I pushed harder — something was blocking the mill.

To my horror, some fool had climbed inside, buried by roots! His body was swollen and bloated. The juice of the plant flesh leaked from his lips.

I fished out what was left of 'im and brushed it under the floorboards next to the grindmill before the morning bell rang. If the head of sanitation finds out, I can kiss my bonus goodbye!

Digging through the floorboards near the grindmill in Willow Crush uncovered remains. A ring was found amidst the ashes.