Lore/Prison Break

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Lore.pngPrison Break is a lore note.


Page Name Page Number Location Description
NO BETTER THAN US! (1/2) Lore.png Prison Break (1/2)
GLORY TO MATRON LUPA (2/2) Lore.png Prison Break (2/2)

Entries (2/2)

We're all alone in this desolate hole! They just LEFT US to rot in the cells. . . hope they all choke on dust!! And me, too — ME! I said I was INNOCENT!

There'd be chaos without HER. They call her the matron, Lupa. Even the rowdiest of rats whimper when she steps near — she spews when she speaks. Liquid leaks from her lips, acidic and vile. Always a hint of ethanol in the air. . .

She has a plan. There's no breaking through the gate, but. . . . hollow walls, she says — a cavern behind her cell. She's got help from the outside. . . a sister, I hear. Perhaps we can break through!

WE BROKE THROUGH the wall!! Lupa simply blew the stone apart!! Behind the rubble, there REALLY WAS a cave!! We flung ourselves right into a group of Vukah. . . but the matron, in her blighted rampage, she nearly skinned them alive! She tames all beasts! They COWER and FLINCH in front her INFAMY! We won't stop here! We'll claim the world! Raven's Keep is just the beginning! Lupa's sister will take Surat's Rest whilst we build a LAIR of our own to eclipse Umber Hollow! GLORY to matron Lupa!