Lore/Captain's Journal

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Lore.pngCaptain's Journal is a lore note.


Page Name Page Number Location Description
CAPTAIN'S JOURNAL, DAY ONE (1/4) Lore.png Captain's Journal (1/4)
CAPTAIN'S JOURNAL, DAY SIX (2/4) Lore.png Captain's Journal (2/4)
CAPTAIN'S JOURNAL, DAY TWENTY (3/4) Lore.png Captain's Journal (3/4)
CAPTAIN'S DEMISE (4/4) Lore.png Captain's Journal (4/4)

Entries (4/4)

"Hold the chamber to your last breath." These were the words of the Ancient once, before he entered with a handful of our best warriors. It was the first time I'd seen one of his kind, and I expect it will be the last. His face is burned in my mind. My life, and those of my remaining soldiers, are pledged to this sacred duty.

Captain Arkwright

The raiders have besieged us these past two days, attacking from the bridge. Their eyes. . . such madness. . . We have withheld so far — but only just. We may not survive the next assault. I've ordered to rig the pass with our last munitions. If those Scavengers return, WE ARE PREPARED.Captain Arkwright

We are hungry. We had to destroy the bridge — and with it our connection to supplies. But it worked: we haven't seen any more "Scavengers". The Cinder Vault — and those within it — are safe, and should remain so. If we are to avoid starvation, we may have to take our chances in the horrible Shroud. Either choice is certain death. . . — Captain Arkwright

Captain Arkwright's ring was found. It was carried by a strange figure lurking through the valleys, distorted by the Shroud. The ring was plucked from its half rotten hand, amidst a sea of fallen soldiers.