Lore/Excerpts From Val's Valiant Tales

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Lore.pngExcerpts From Val's Valiant Tales is a lore note.


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I'VE GOT MY EYE ON YOU (1/1) Lore.png Excerpts From Val's Valiant Tales (1/2)

Entries (1/2)

I once came eyes to eye with a cold-hearted, frozen-eared Cyclops! Gather 'round the fire for this spine-chilling tale!

I played a lovely little melody at Vorgoth's court, melting his heart to ruby red strawberry wine! The feast's main entertainer, however was a "tamed" Cyclops! It was chained and made to dance with fresh coals from the same open fire roasting our swine belly and hazelnut brittle!

"Poor thing" I thought, head spinning with wine. As everyone slept, I gathered my newfound valor and crept into the Beastmaster's quarters, lockpick in hand. When I freed the giant, it gazed at my fair visage with a look that screamed "'I've got my eye on you!'" afore blowing a hole through the dungeon wall!

Needless to say, I haven't been inivted back to the royal court.