Lore/Royal Investigation

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Lore.pngRoyal Investigation is a lore note.


Page Name Page Number Location Description
BY ROYAL DECREE (1/3) Lore.png Royal Investigation (1/3)
FROM INVESTIGATOR LACHLAN (2/3) Lore.png Royal Investigation (2/3)
THE CRIMES OF GLENNWOOD'S END (3/3) Lore.png Royal Investigation (3/3)

Entries (3/3)

Esteemed Investigator Lachlan,

I write to you personally with dire tidings. There have been ongoing disappearances in the Revelwood, and now a province called Glennwood's End has ceased all communication with our government. Glennwood's End has shown fealty to me, their King, and is considered a vital part of my kingdom. With your many illustrious years of dedicated service, I hereby command you to seek out answers and report back with great haste.


King Gormander

My illustrious King — I write with troubling tidings. Glennwood's End is falling to ruin. It is as if a great cloud of sickness and decay has settled over the principality. The people have let their homes, roads, and daily way of life crumble. . . all this due to a substance they consume called "The Elixir." I have taken samples from an illegal distillery and am currently studying them. This Elixir seems to make monsters out of men, so I have bolted my door at night.

His Excellency, the benevolent King Gormander demands justice for the murder of Royal Inquisitor Lachlan. The delivery of his severed head to The King's Court was and act of aggression that will follow with swift punishment. May The King's retribution be a swift lesson that the laws of Embervale still prevail!