Lore/A Rumble In The Catacombs

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Lore.pngA Rumble In The Catacombs is a lore note.


Page Name Page Number Location Description
BEASTS BENEATH THE SOIL (1/2) Lore.png A Rumble in the Catacombs (1/2)
IT CRAWLS BENEATH MY FLESH (2/2) Lore.png A Rumble in the Catacombs (2/2)

Entries (2/2)

I was carrying construction material when I felt a rumble under my feet. Startled, I tripped the heavy load and tumbled to the ground. I must've hit my head on the stone... When I awoke, I felt a tingle on my palm. A crawl. Then, a sting. A beastly critter had plunged its needle-like fangs into my hand! I shook it off, roused by the scare. I wanted to stomp it out, but the beast burrowed underground... build without me whilst I tend to this wound!

I feel its teeth in my flesh evermore. The first bite was but a bitter prelude to the many more that followed. I fear my time is near. My muscles tighten, my skin stretches. I can see them under candlelight, eagerly pushing outward... The catacomb has cursed me, for the hollow of my ribcage is home to a thousand gnawing bites.