Lore/A Cry For Help

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Lore.pngA Cry For Help is a lore note.


Page Name Page Number Location Description
OINTMENTS (1/3) Lore.png A Cry for Help (1/3)
PROTECTION AGAINST THE SHROUD (2/3) Lore.png A Cry for Help (2/3)
NEVER ENOUGH (3/3) Lore.png A Cry for Help (3/3)

Entries (3/3)

We are all weary and for lack of rest — but I assure you, I will have more tinctures and remedies ready soon, please be patient. You can pick them up at the tower.

I noticed some of you are turning towards unsavory means for protection. I beg of you to refrain from such extreme measures. Blackmarket solutions are highly volatile and dangerous and I wouldn't want anyone to get hurt! You can't know what consumption of such elixirs may possibly cause!

— Balthazar

The following precautions against The Shroud must be taken at all times:

— Don't venture into valleys or near river basins. The Shroud can overtake you quickly.
— Avoid contact. DO NOT breathe it and be sure to shield your eyes.
— After contact, medicate immediately with approved remedies, and quarantine.

Please, ONLY take prescribed medication! Stay clear of the Elixir. Its longterm effects are unknown!
— Balthazar

My spirit is broken.

Can I really blame the people for turning away from my potions in their desperation? Most of my visitors these days are rats and other sad pests. . . so far, they have not proven to be great lab partners.

There must be a better way to clear the Shroud. . . to overcome it. Perhaps I should reconsider my efforts.