Lore/Elin's Warning

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Lore.pngElin's Warning is a lore note.


Page Name Page Number Location Description
THE WALLS ARE ALIVE! (1/1) Lore.png Elin's Warning (1/1)

Entries (1/1)

Townspeople, be warned! You must pray elsewhere, for these halls are haunted! I saw it with my own eye!

I was marvelling at the Spark when the Flame suddenly began to dance and whip around in a strange rhythm! I thought it to be a trick of the light, but once my eye adjusted, I saw a ghastly shape emerge from the ground! Twisting the fire was a nebulous horror, skeletal remains aflame in spectral glow! It shifted towards me through floorboards and Flame, its lips leaking curses and rot!!

Let me tell you: I've never scampered so quickly all my life! Had I stayed, I swear on my sisters, I'd have lost my other eye!
