Lore/Building Morwenna

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Lore.pngBuilding Morwenna is a lore note.


Page Name Page Number Location Description
THESE LANDS (1/2) Lore.png Building Morwenna (1/2)
A CHALLENGING BUILD (2/2) Given by the Carpenter
after reading THESE LANDS

Entries (2/2)

"Morwenna" would be quiet and peaceful, I imagine. . . if it wasn't for those pests!

They gnaw at everything I build. From barn to edifice, monument to manor. . . ripped to shreds by wild beasts! It's as if they're laughing at my artistry!

They weren't always so ferocious. Forced to leave their natural habitats, maybe? Is it this spreading blight people whisper about? Aunt Irvetta says they seem scared more then anything. Dear aunt says I cannot see this fact — due to my one eye. I did not find this jest to be funny.

Cade Hawthorn

Cade Hawthorn shared some insight about building Morwenna. It was destroyed by wildlife and pests, so he decided to move on and focus more on building a future than repair the present.