Lore/Kindlewastes Well Prospects

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Lore.pngKindlewastes Well Prospects is a lore note.


Page Name Page Number Location Description
A PROPOSAL (1/3) Lore.png Kindlewastes Well Prospects (1/3)
YOU FOOL (2/3) Lore.png Kindlewastes Well Prospects (2/3)
COSTNER METERS'S POWERFUL ELIXIR (3/3) Lore.png Kindlewastes Well Prospects (3/3)

Entries (3/3)

Dear sir,

Allow me to introduce myself. I am Costner Meyers, and you may have heard of me. I have reason to believe that a valuable resource lies beneath the ground you own, and I would happily negotiate a deal with you. For, you see, it has been preordained.

Recently, I was struck by a vision while searching for water. I became disoriented in the wild, my mouth as dry as sand -- but at last, I was blessed by a visit from some sort of a hovering phantom. You might think this to be a hallucination, but it gave me water and bestowed me with unlikely insight. The Kindlewastes are deadly, but the Mysterious Wanderer says there's hope. The land hides liquid gold inside!

You must believe me. Do not test my faith.


Costner Meyers

Dear Sir, You test the will of the Mysterious Wanderer. The specter knows you mind to be fickle. My proposal was fair, but your silence speaks volumes. Even though I sought your home out with peaceful intentions, you threatened me with violence! I bring a message from the gods, you fool! No matter your response — I must recover the precious resource that lies inside the soil. It will be your ground no more! You will see what my retribution looks like! The phantom will intertwine your string of fate with darkness itself. You cannot turn back. The thread has been woven. — CM

Attention, weary travelers! Do not heed the violent rumors surrounding this land. Beneath the very ground lies a cure -- all for what ails you! As the new owner of this land I, Costner Meyers, Invite you to sample my "Incredible Elixir" -- which came to me in a miraculous vision! With its healing and empowering abilities, you will find yourself transformed! Come one, come all! — Costner Meyers