Lore/Lake Of The Nomad Highlands

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Lore.pngLake Of The Nomad Highlands is a lore note.


Page Name Page Number Location Description
CREATION OF A LAKE (1/1) Lore.png Lake of the Nomad Highlands (1/1)

Entries (1/1)

My son — allow me to tell you a tale of creation. This has been passed down through our people for many generations, so listen closely. When I am done, the story will be yours to pass to your kin.

Our lake fell from the stars. Your people are wanderers by nature and when we came to these lands, they were dry and arid. We could not find our way to water, so we turned our voices toward the heavens — toward the Ancients. And they answered! The sky cracked open, sending a bright light to this very spot. The light met the dry earth and opened this lake, which quickly filled with water to sustain our people.

And now, you ask, where are the Ancients to scrub the Shroud from these lands? Where has the water gone, the lifeblood of our people?

My son — we are all asking the same questions.