Lore/Captured By Lupa

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Lore.pngCaptured By Lupa is a lore note.


Page Name Page Number Location Description
THEY TERRORIZE THE ROADS! (1/1) Lore.png Captured by Lupa (1/1)

Entries (1/1)

I thought the boneyard pass was safe, but "Lupa" has all the trade routes in an iron grasp! They jumped out from behind a rocky pillar, rabid and wild. Trembling with rage. They recognized my face. . . found the "Nursery Supplies" in Surat's Rest. I knew they'd be my demise one day.

Catherine was right — there's no slipping through the new patrols. They are everywhere. They've confiscated almost all of my wares. . . At least I hid my chest before they caught me. But just how can I make it out of here now?

— Benni