Lore/Obelisk Research

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Lore.pngObelisk Research is a lore note.


Page Name Page Number Location Description
OBELISK WRITING (1/3) Lore.png Obelisk Research (1/3)
PROGRESS! ALSO - HEADACHES! (2/3) Lore.png Obelisk Research (2/3)
CONFUSION ABOVE ALL (3/3) Lore.png Obelisk Research (3/3)

Entries (3/3)

Indeed, the obelisk shares the same markings as the ones we've studied in the Kindlewastes. This indicates a formal writing system, consisting of logograms and syllabary, validating my hypothesis. Certain lexigraphs are repeated hinting at a thematic consensus. Alternatively, a limited vocabulary. However, I see unique signs compared to eastern obelisks... A dialect?

As per usual, I cannot decipher the language. I am disappointed but not surprised.

After weeks of in-depth study, I've found parallels between the simplified ancient phonetic characters to the historic origins of phonemic human writing. I theorize that the modern alphabetic system may be derivative of the ancient syllabary. Sadly the investigation could not continue do to the deathly and strange odor emitted from a nearby opening... It has clouded the minds of my researchers and caused everyone headaches. Just like the ancient writing, but worse.

We meant to decipher the ancient language on our expedition. My findings so far: The little symbol that looks like a sleeping Fae Deer means "fire". Or something. I humbly suggest these symbols were constructed in the most obscene fashion to purposefully ridicule researchers. Perhaps it's true what the townsfolk say, and the Ancients truly intend to keep their secrets forever. I wonder what they're trying to hide?