Lore/Lost In The Shroud

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Lore.pngLost In The Shroud is a lore note.


Page Name Page Number Location Description
SEE WHAT I FOUND (1/5) Lore.png Lost in the Shroud (1/5)
TO SHORTSTACK (2/5) Lore.png Lost in the Shroud (2/5)
TALION! (3/5) Lore.png Lost in the Shroud (3/5)
TO THE GUARD OF THE NORTH (4/5) Lore.png Lost in the Shroud (4/5)
BOW FOUND (5/5) Lore.png Lost in the Shroud (5/5)

Entries (5/5)

What a shot! The bird tumbled downwards, flailing and chirping.

Its claws were wrapped tightly around this scrap... a note! Really had to pry 'em open. Can you believe it?

Dear Brother: Calm your heart - I'm safe and sound. Archers could never match my speed and Border Patrol was filled with gaps in their guard. I made it out of Howling Pike and reached the Revelwood before the troops ever had a chance to mobilize. Lord Vorgoth has gone mad, Talion. His mind has fallen to the Shroud! He lied to us. King Gormander is no threat! I can't fight for this, and my scars are proof of that. I wear them with pride, knowing I did the right thing. Please come. Wave the war goodbye. Turn your back on all this. I miss you, shortstack. -Athalan

The battle by the bridge — I know you must've been there! The ones that fled had terror in their eyes. "The Shroud", they said with a trembling voice. "The Shroud blanketed everything." Still, the armies of Vorgoth continued to battle. Please tell me: did you breathe it in? Are you still in there, my little brother? Leading the flock as Commander? I survey the valley when the sun is highest in the sky, but I detect no motion. I put my ear to the ground but hear no marching of heavy boots. If you're in there, please give me sign, Talion. I'll carry you out on my back, just like the old days. — Your sister, Athalan

Guard of the north — Lord Vorgoth, you blighted, demented adversary. You are a mad, raving shadow of a leader! I want you to know following your orders makes me sick; a toll I paid in blood. No army will protect you. I will cross every chasm, scale every mountain, and brace against the bitter cold. I will push myself beyond physical capacity of man to find you. And when I do, my aim will be true. I swear on my brother's honor. — Athalan Skree

Beneath this ancient bridge lay a bow, littered amongst the corpses of this battlefield. It must have belonged to an unfortunate commander consumed by the Shroud.