Lore/Sand Digger Warning

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Lore.pngSand Digger Warning is a lore note.


Page Name Page Number Location Description
BRAVE ENOUGH? (1/2) Lore.png Sand Digger Warning (1/2)
FROM MYRTLE (2/2) Lore.png Sand Digger Warning (2/2)

Entries (2/2)

Aster, you wimp! If you really want to prove yourself to Myrtle, invite her out to the edge of the farm — where those odd rock formations can be found. Then try to cross them, leaping from rock to rock. See how brave she thinks you are once you reach the other side! Yes, I think this will endear her to you for the rest of time, my friend!

— Jax

Aster! I found Jax's note to you. Heed my warning — you are brave enough in my heart without attempting such foolish feats! I know you only just moved here from the Springlands and have much to learn about our home. First and foremost: never ever play amongst the rocks on the farm! For they are not rocks at all, but the protective plates of the Sand Digger! They'll snatch you up and pull you underground right quick! And who will take me to The Harvest Festival then? — Myrtle