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Lore.pngFortification is a lore note.


Page Name Page Number Location Description
CITYWALL BLOCKS (1/2) Lore.png Fortification (1/2)
INDEFINITE ABATEMENT (2/2) Lore.png Fortification (2/2)

Entries (2/2)

The old walls were impenetrable in Pikemead's time... now, they crumble.

Every watch, I see the smoke come closer...the mistral weighs heavy with a pungent sweetness. Rot and Decay...they'll tear through the outer wall soon enough. Even the Mining Rift due east cannot yield enough stone to restore the imperial ages afore the brewing siege.

Mine.png Mining Rift

Pikemead's Reach's ability to admit more cargo for repairs has seized. We must retain the overdue parcel until further notice... I've placed it on the crane platform.

Village.png Pikemead's Reach