Quests/Clear The Elixir Well

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Clear The Elixir Well is a quest in Enshrouded, given to you by the Blacksmith.

Quest objectives

Reward: Fell Thunderbrute Head Fell Thunderbrute Head, Skill Point Skill Point, 150 XP
Objective # Objective Title Location Description
1 Reach The Elixir Well - The Blacksmith wants to fight against the Shroud, the ruinous fog that has overtaken Embervale. The Shroud springs from Elixir Wells.

Reach the nearby Elixir Well to learn more about Shroud.
2 Enter The Elixir Well - The Elixir Well is an overgrown pit, spitting corruption and fumes into the air from below. Enter the Elixir Well to find the root of this evil, and eradicate it.
3 Destroy The Shroud Root - The Shroud Root deep within the Elixir Well needs to be destroyed to stop it from spreading.