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Skill Point.png

Character Level

Defeating enemies, completing Quests or using an Experience Scroll will give varying amounts of Experience Points. Upon filling the experience bar you will level up, and gain two Skill Points to spend on Skills.

Skill Points

Skill Points are acquired in three ways.

Leveling up

You are awarded 2 Skill Points each time you level up, you can obtain 68 Skill Points leveling from from 2-35.

Completing a Shroud Root

Destroying a Shroud Root awards 1 Skill Point, you can obtain 33 Skill Points from the 33 Shroud Roots.

Completing an Elixir Well

Clearing an Elixir Well awards 3 Skill Points, you can obtain 48 Skill Points from the 16 Elixir Wells.
Despite the world respawning after a server restart, players can only obtain Skill Points once from each Shroud Root and Elixir Well.

The current maximum number of Skill Points that can be acquired is 149.

Flame Level

Upgrading your Flame Altar grants you the blessing of The Flame which boosts your Primary Attributes.



Each level of Constitution raises your Health by 50 points.


Each level of Spirit increases your Mana by 20 points.


Each level of Endurance increases your Stamina by 10 points.


Each level of Strength increases Melee damage by 5% per point.


Each level of Dexterity increases Ranged damage by 5% per point.


Each level of Intelligence increases Magic damage by 5% per point.



The default Health is 100. You fall when your Health reaches zero.


The default Mana is 100. Spend Mana by casting spells like Ice Bolt or Heal Channel, or using the Skills like Updraft. Your Mana regenerates naturally, you can eat Boiled Eggs or other foods to increase that regeneration or use Mana Potions to replenish it.


The default Stamina is 100. Stamina is used when sprinting, double jumping or when attacked by blocking.

Stamina Regeneration

Stamina regenerates by default at 8 points per second, and has a delay of 0.50s.

Frost Resistance

Basic frost protection timer starts with 40 seconds. Each subsequent level of frost protection increases the timer by 3:10 minutes and is stackable.


Passage Level

This represents the level of Shroud that you're able to enter. You can recognize these areas by the red Shroud, be careful accidentally entering these areas. Strengthen your Flame Altar's flame to enter higher levels of Shroud.


This indicates how long the Flame can protect you from the Shroud. Your default personal time is four minutes with an additional minute by being Flameborn, blessed by the Flame bringing your total to five minutes. You can increase this time by spending Skill Points on talents that increase your Shroud timer. Activating the glowing hourglasses found in the Shroud, or by drinking Shroud Survival Flasks.


Where you encounter frost

In the Albaneve Summits at a certain height, player has to endure the icy cold.


A timer in the top left corner of the screen, indicated with a shield, will start if the player reaches a certain height, and kills them of hypothermia if the timer runs out. The only way to regenerate the timer is to move to lower altitudes. The number right to the shield indicate the player's frost protection. If a player dies and respawns still in the frost biome, the timer does not reset fully, only about 75% is reset.

Frost protection can be further increased with Pocket Heater, food and late game armor.

Fireplaces provide additional frost resistance, as do most of the world's generated fireplaces. Note: some of them are only visually and do not provide any protection.


Player Damage

Melee Damage

Ranged Damage

Ranged damage is calculated by the following formula:

Base Damage = (Arrow Damage + Bow Power)

Damage dealt = (Base Damage + (.2 * Base Damage per "+ <type> Damage" enhancement)) * (1 + (Dexterity * 0.05)) * (Sum of Skill Bonuses) * (Sum of equipment bonuses).

Note that the added damage from the "+ <type> Damage" will be of that type, which can cause spells to do split damage. In the case of split damage, enemy resistances and damage-type bonus damage will apply proportionally to each damage type.

Magic Damage

Magical damage is calculated by the following formula:

Base Damage = (Spell Damage + Staff Power)

Damage dealt = (Base Damage + (.2 * Base Damage per "+ <type> Damage" enhancement)) * (1 + (Intelligence * 0.05)) * (Sum of Skill Bonuses (This is the Way, Arsonist, Pyromaniac, Iceman, etc.)) * (Sum of equipment bonuses).

Note that the added damage from the "+ <type> Damage" will be of that type, which can cause spells to do split damage. In the case of split damage, enemy resistances and damage-type bonus damage will apply proportionally to each damage type.

For example:

Casting an Eternal Fireball against a Scavenger, while using a staff with 3 +Ice damage enhancements, and having the "Arsonist", "Pyromaniac", and "Iceman" Skills, but not "SubZero", would apply the following:

All damage would be multiplied by the intelligence modifier, and multiplied by any bonuses to staff damage from equipment.

The fire damage (100% base) would be multiplied by 1.4 (from This is the Way (0.1) + Arsonist (0.1) + Pyromaniac (0.2)). This would then be multiplied by 0.5, for Scavenger resistance to Fire.

The ice damage (60% base) would be multiplied by 1.2 (from This is the Way (0.1) + Iceman (0.1)). This would then be multiplied by 1.5, for Scavenger vulnerability to Ice.

Note that some spells are exceptions to this formula:

Acid Bite, Eternal Acid Bite, Lightning Channel have a 0.5 multiplier to their damage; they will deal half as much damage as the equation above predicts. Acid Bite and Eternal Acid Bite leave pools of acid behind. These deal up to 4 ticks, each dealing 0.2 of the calculated damage.

Fireball II and Fireball IV deal a flat additional +10 damage after all calculations; Eternal Fireball and Shroud Meteor deal a flat additional +15 damage. This appears to be due to additional environmental damage included as part of the spell (as environmental objects in the spell's radius take this listed 10 or 15 damage).

Eternal Light Burst, Light Burst, Eternal Acid Bite, and Acid Bite do not benefit from increased damage from "This is the Way", and Light Burst/Eternal Light Burst do not benefit from increased damage from "Arsonist", or "Pyromaniac". This may be a bug.

Magic Skills, Enhancements, and Miscellany

"Begone!" does not increase unarmed damage, nor does it change the damage type of unarmed damage from blunt damage to magical. "Begone!" punches do not benefit from Intelligence bonus damage, nor any of the magic damage increasing skills.

"Counterstrike" deals damage equal to half of the damage taken, and is affected by enemy damage resistances, as well as the skills "This is the Way", "Pyromaniac", or "Arsonist". It is not increased by the increased damage from Intelligence. "Counterstrike" can crit, but does not benefit from either skill bonuses to critical damage or equipment bonuses to critical damage. "Counterstrike" may benefit from increased critical hit chance. "Counterstrike" crits do proc "Mass Destruction" and "Chain Hit".

"Blink Attack" deals 5 fire damage per point of Intelligence, and does not benefit from the increased damage from Intelligence. It does benefit from the skills "This is the Way", "Pyromaniac", and "Arsonist". "Blink Attack" can crit, but does not benefit from either skill bonuses to critical damage or equipment bonuses to critical damage. "Blink Attack" may benefit from increased critical hit chance. "Blink Attack" crits do proc "Mass Destruction" and "Chain Hit".

"Chain Hit" can proc from wands, spells, "Counterstrike" or "Blink Attack". The damage it deals is equal to Intelligence * 5; this is not increased by "This is the Way", "Thunder", or "Lightning", and does not benefit from the increased damage from Intelligence. "Chain Hit" can hit the same target that was hit by the triggering effect.

"Mass Destruction" can proc from wands, spells, "Counterstrike" or "Blink Attack". The damage it deals is equal to Intelligence * 2; this is not increased by "This is the Way", "Thunder", or "Lightning", and does not benefit from the increased damage from Intelligence. "Mass Destruction" hits the target that triggered the effect. It also displays a health bar of every enemy hit even through walls, which can help to identify where enemies are and how many there are.

"Arsonist", "Pyromaniac", "Iceman", "Subzero", "Thunder", and "Lightning" do not apply to elemental damage dealt by melee weapons or bows.

"Bloodletting" is notably not triggered by Fireball or Ice Bolt spells.

Player Defenses


The player has two forms of resistance: Physical and Magical Resistance.

Physical Resistance reduces damage from Physical attacks (Blunt, Pierce, Cutting), while Magical Resistance reduces damage taken from Magical Attacks (Ice, Fire, Shroud).

For each point of Resistance a character has, they take 1 less damage from the corresponding damage type, up to a cap of 60% reduced damage.

In other words, enemies will deal at minimum 40% of the damage they would deal to the character before reduction from armor.

The skill "Shiny Plates" increases Physical Resistance from armor by 10%; this increase is not reflected in the character statistics screen, but is accounted for when reducing damage.

For example, 100 Physical Resistance against a 300 damage hit would reduce damage taken to 200. With Shiny Plates, the displayed Physical Resistance would be 100, but the character would take 190 damage from the same 300 damage hit.

Increased Resistance Thresholds

The skill "Heavy Plates" increases the threshold for damage reduction. This changes the cap of 60% reduced to 70%, such that enemies now deal at minimum 30% damage.

Some pieces of armor also increase the threshold for damage reduction. This stacks additively with the "Heavy Plates" skill, such that a 5% increased threshold from armor, with Heavy Plates, would leave the player able to reduce incoming damage by 75%. Enemies would now deal 25% of their unmodified damage at minimum.


Wards are an alternative to shields that provide weaker blocking and parrying effectiveness, but offer passive elemental resistance while able to be used. For example, the Ethereal_Plane reduces incoming Shroud damage by 10%. Note that this only takes effect if the character would be able to use a shield; while using a two-handed weapon, bow, or staff, this damage resistance will not take effect.

Weapon Enhancements

Some weapons have, as an enhancement, a listed damage resistance to a particular damage type. These resistances currently seem to be broken, and do not reduce incoming damage of that type.


Increasing your armor, when most of the damage you take is already fully blocked, will provide no additional defensive benefits.

Increasing your damage reduction threshold, when most of the damage you take is not fully blocked, will provide no additional defensive benefits.

Increased enemy damage from world settings may produce damage increases that are apparently greater than what is listed. If an enemy dealt 200 physical damage to the player, who had 140 physical resistance, that player would take 80 damage, using 120 of their 130 armor to reduce damage. If enemy damage is increased to 150%, that enemy now will deal 300 physical damage; the player can reduce that by 140, but will then take 160 damage, which is double what they had taken before.

Enemy Resistances

Each enemy may be vulnerable or resistant to each damage type.

This vulnerability or resistance is encoded as a hidden multiplier to damage taken, that is unique for each enemy and damage type.

Any multiplier greater than 1 will display as "Effective" damage; any multiplier less than 1 will display as "Resisted" damage.

Note that the increase/decrease in damage from "Effective" or "Resisted" damage differs for each enemy and damage type.

If an enemy takes damage that is split between different types, each type of damage will be modified by the enemy's resistance/vulnerability to that damage, in proportion to how that damage is divided.

If damage is split between a damage type an enemy is vulnerable to, and a damage type an enemy is resistant to, both the "Resisted" and "Effective" tags will display under the enemy's damage taken.

Fell enemies are immune to Shroud damage.

Some examples:

  • A Fell enemy has a multiplier of 1.2 against Blunt damage. A listed damage of 93 (100% Blunt) will display as 112 "Effective" damage.
  • A Hollow enemy has a multiplier of 1.5 against Blunt damage. A listed damage of 93 (100% Blunt) will display as 140 "Effective" damage.
  • A Wolf enemy has a multiplier of 1.3 against Fire damage, and 1.0 against Cutting damage. A listed damage of 62 (50% Cutting, 50% Fire) will display as 71 "Effective" damage.
  • A Hollow enemy has a multiplier of 1.5 against Blunt damage, and 0.5 against Shroud damage. A listed damage of 62 (50% Blunt, 50% Shroud) will display as 62 "Effective" and "Resisted" damage.

Tested enemy resistances are shown below. Enemies in the same "family" (Scavengers, Wildlife, Vukah, Fell) tend to have the same multipliers, but this is not always the case.

The data below are incomplete and a work in progress.

Enemy Resistances
Enemy Blunt Cutting Piercing Poison Fire Ice Shock Shroud
Fell (Shortsword and Shield) 1.2 1.2 ??? ??? ??? 1.0 ??? Immune
Fell (Shortsword) 1.2 1.2 ??? ??? ??? 1.0 ??? Immune
Fell (Spear) 1.2 1.2 ??? ??? ??? 1.0 ??? Immune
Wolf 1.0 1.0 1.0 ??? 1.3 0.7 ??? 1.3
Goat 1.0 1.0 1.0 ??? 1.3 0.7 ??? 1.3
Crossbow Scavenger 1.0 1.0 1.0 ??? 0.5 1.5 ??? 1.3
Melee Scavenger 1.0 1.0 1.0 ??? 0.5 1.5 ??? 1.3
Hollow (Green Fire Melee) 1.0 1.0 1.0 ??? 1.3 0.7 ??? 1.3