View table: Drops

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Table structure:

  1. Result - String
  2. Drops - String
  3. Quantity - Number

This table has 72 rows altogether.

Recreate data.

Page Result Drops Quantity
Bat (edit) Fur Patch 1-3
Boar (edit) Animal Fur 0-1
Boar (edit) Bones 0-1
Boar (edit) Raw Game 2
Draconian Vulture (edit) Bones 0-1
Draconian Vulture (edit) Eggs 0-1
Draconian Vulture (edit) Feather 5
Draconian Vulture (edit) Raw Bird Meat 2
Fell Banshee (edit) Runes 0-10
Fell Banshee (edit) Shroud Core 1
Fell Banshee (edit) Torn Cloth 2
Fell Beetle (edit) Critter Parts 1-2
Fell Boar (edit) Bones 2
Fell Boar (edit) Shroud Sack 2
Fell Draconian Vulture (edit) Bones 0-3
Fell Draconian Vulture (edit) Feather 5
Fell Draconian Vulture (edit) Shroud Spores 1-2
Fell Knight (edit) Runes 0-9
Fell Knight (edit) Shroud Spores 2-3
Fell Knight (edit) Torn Cloth 2-3
Fell Monstrosity (edit) Fell Monstrosity Head
Fell Monstrosity (edit) Runes 19-23
Fell Monstrosity (edit) Shroud Core 1
Fell Sicklescythe (edit) Fell Sicklescythe Head
Fell Sicklescythe (edit) Runes 19-22
Fell Sicklescythe (edit) Shroud Core 1
Fell Spitting Plant (edit) Shroud Sack 1
Fell Thunderbrute (edit) Fell Thunderbrute Head 1
Fell Thunderbrute (edit) Runes 22
Fell Thunderbrute (edit) Shroud Core 1
Fell Wispwyvern (edit) Commander's Ring
Fell Wispwyvern (edit) Fell Wispwyvern Head
Fell Wispwyvern (edit) Key to The Pike
Fell Wispwyvern (edit) Runes 30-45
Fell Wispwyvern (edit) Shroud Core 3
Highlands Roadrunner (edit) Eggs 0-1
Highlands Roadrunner (edit) Feather 0-1
Highlands Roadrunner (edit) Raw Bird Meat
Hollow Cyclops (edit) Giant Bones 4-8
Hollow Cyclops (edit) Hollow Cyclops Head
Hollow Hound (edit) Bones 0-3
Hollow Skeleton (edit) Bones 1-3
Hollow Skeleton (edit) Metal Scraps 0-1
Hollow Skeleton (edit) Salt 1-2
Hollow Skeleton (edit) Torn Cloth 0-1
Mushroom Crab (edit) Poison Sack 1-2
Mushroom Crab (edit) Red Mushroom 2-3
Rat (edit) Fur Patch 1
Rat (edit) Raw Lean Meat 0-1
Sabertooth Tiger (edit) Animal Fur 0-2
Sabertooth Tiger (edit) Bones 0-1
Sabertooth Tiger (edit) Raw Game 3
Sand Digger (edit) Bones 0-1
Sand Digger (edit) Raw Sand Digger Meat 2
Sand Digger (edit) Scales 3-5
Scavenger Berserker (edit) Acid Cleaver
Scavenger Berserker (edit) Metal Scraps 1
Scorpion (edit) Poison Sack 1
Scorpion (edit) Scales 1-2
Spider (edit) Critter Parts 1
Spider (edit) String 1
Spitting Plant (edit) Poison Sack 1
Vukah Brawler (edit) Animal Fur 8
Vukah Brawler (edit) Vukah Brawler Head
Vukah Shaman (edit) Animal Fur 1-2
Vukah Shaman (edit) Bonemeal 0-1
Vukah Shaman (edit) Resin 0-1
Vukah Shaman (edit) Twigs 0-1
Vukah Shaman (edit) Water 0-2
Wolf (edit) Animal Fur 0-1
Wolf (edit) Bones 2
Wolf (edit) Raw Wolf Meat 0-1