View table: Items

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Table structure:

  1. Title - String
  2. Image - File
  3. Images - List of File, delimiter: ,
  4. Description - Text
  5. Categories - String
  6. Type - String
  7. Rarity - String
  8. Level - String
  9. StackSize - Integer
  10. Source - String
  11. Biomes - String

This table has 853 rows altogether.

Recreate data.

Page Title Image Images Description Categories Type Rarity Level StackSize Source Biomes
Acid Bite (edit) Magical ammunition that sprays acid in a cone in front of the caster, poisoning all enemies hit. Spell Rare 17 100
Advanced Glider (edit) This glider is lighter and enables you to travel bigger distances. Glider Legendary 1
Adventurer Boots (edit) These boots are perfect for any terrain. Easy to clean, robust, and light. Foot Armor Common 13
Adventurer Chest (edit) Warm, light, and agile. This piece of armor is a great fit for adventurers! The red scarf is especially daring. Upper Body Armor Common 13
Adventurer Gloves (edit) Sturdy gloves that protect the hands while exploring. The red markings on them represent bravery. Arm Armor Common 13
Adventurer Helmet (edit) A simple but reliable helmet. You still might get a bump or two if you get hit, but that's part of the fun. Head Armor Common 13
Adventurer Trousers (edit) No matter how they may wear and tear, these pants can always be patched up again! That makes them suitable for bold explorers. Lower Body Armor Common 13
Alchemical Base (edit) A clear liquid with a sharp smell. Used to enhance alchemical reactions. Material Common 50
Alchemist Apprentice Boots (edit) Simple leather boots-a perfect fit. Foot Armor Common 8
Alchemist Apprentice Chest (edit) A comfortable, traditional garb suiting an upcoming alchemist. Upper Body Armor Common 8
Alchemist Apprentice Gloves (edit) tarting out on the path of the alchemist apprentice, these gloves will make your life a little more comfortable. Arm Armor Common 8
Alchemist Apprentice Hat (edit) Providing general protection and shade, the alchemist's apprentice hat is perfect for wandering around the world. Head Armor Common 8
Alchemist Apprentice Pants (edit) Comfortable trousers for long walks. Lower Body Armor Common 8
Alchemist's Ring (edit) A ring with glowing blue engravings that read: <br> "May the Shroud never tear you down - Balthazar" Ring Rare 1
Alchemy Station (edit) An Alchemy Station offering all needed tools to craft better alchemical products. Furniture Rare 1
Almanac of Plants and Seedlings (edit) Explains how to grow all sorts of seedlings Furniture Common 1
Aloe (edit) This desert plant contains a slimy liquid, which is known to have medical applications. Used in alchemy. Material Common 50
Aloe Seedling (edit) A seedling that will grow into a plant once sown in the right soil. Seedlings Common 100
Amber (edit) Created through years of petrification, it has become a beautiful material used for production. Materials Common 50
Ammonia Gland (edit) This gland contains a concentrated substance which can be used to tan furs. Materials Common 50
Animal Fur (edit) Warm in the winter, comfortable in the summer. A versatile resource that is very common and can be used for many things. Materials Common 50
Antiseptic (edit) A medical solution that can clean wounds and prevent infections. Materials Common 50
Archer Boots (edit) Woodland boots made of carefully layered leather straps. Foot Armor Common 13
Archer Chest (edit) The leather on this nature - bound armor piece was layered to resemble the leaves of a blossoming forest. Upper Body Armor Common 13
Archer Gloves (edit) These Archer gloves have been refined to be snug and effective. Arm Armor Common 13
Archer Helmet (edit) An archer's hood. The leather trim provides additional protection and camouflages the wearer between the trees Head Armor Common 13
Archer Trousers (edit) The coloring of these pants allow the wearer to seamlessly blend into the foliage. Lower Body Armor Common 13
Archmage Boots (edit) These boots were made by the most talented cobblers and are as expensive as they come. Foot Armor Common 23
Archmage Chest (edit) A truly spirited garb for magicians and casters. The fabric was laboriously dyed with deep cobalt pigment derived from imported nightblooms. Upper Body Armor Common 23
Archmage Gloves (edit) Gloves which were worn by the most talented, renowned and successful mages of the kingdom. Arm Armor Common 23
Archmage Hat (edit) This magical hat was decorated with fine metal spines that reach out to the stars. It only graces the brightest minds in Embervale! Head Armor Common 23
Archmage Trousers (edit) The pants are elegantly held together with cobalt stitching and thread. The color represents sophistication and the superiority of the mind. Lower Body Armor Common 23
Assassin Boots (edit) Your steps will be quick and quiet, and your strikes will be deadly. Foot Armor Common 23
Assassin Chest (edit) A refined chest piece that lets you fade into the dark and strike from the shadows. Upper Body Armor Common 23
Assassin Gloves (edit) Robust gloves that hide the wearer's palms and true intentions. Arm Armor Common 23
Assassin Hood (edit) A special piece of cloth was added to this assassin hood to hide the wearer's face and their most likely daunting smile. Head Armor Common 23
Assassin Trousers (edit) A plain pair of pants. Under different circumstances, they would allow the wearer to easily blend into any crowd. Lower Body Armor Common 23
Athanor (edit) A complex oven used by scholars of the alchemical mysteries. Furniture Common 1
Aureolin Flower (edit) A beautiful yellow flower with magical properties that blesses the user's spirit. Consumables Common 100
Aureolin Flower Seedling (edit) A seedling that will grow into a plant once sown in the right soil. Seedlings Common 100
Axe (edit) A primitive tool used for cutting wood. It can also be used as a weapon in a pinch Common 1
Azure Russula (edit) Should be cooked before eating. Consumables Common 20
Azure Russula Seedling (edit) A seedling that will grow into a plant once sown in the right soil. Seedlings Common 100
Bandage (edit) Restores 40% health points over 10 seconds. Stops when damage is received. Consumables Common 20
Banners (edit)
Long Wall Banner.png
Bathroom (edit) Bathrooms
Copper Bathtub.png
Decorative items that can be placed in any building. Provides comfort.
Beds (edit)
Palm Wood Bed.png
A decorative item that can be placed in any building. Provides comfort, increasing the duration of the rested buff. Furniture Common 1
Beehive (edit) Anything can be domesticated with enough patience. Used to produce honey and wax. Furniture Rare 1
Beehive Smoker (edit) Unlocks the ability to craft a Honey Beehive that provides honey and wax regularly. Furniture Rare 1
Beet Seedling (edit) A seedling that will grow into a plant once sown in the right soil. Seedlings Common 100
Bell Pepper (edit) A plant of sweet flavor and powerful red color. Grants the user dexterity upon consumption. Consumables Common 20
Bell Pepper Seedling (edit) A seedling that will grow into a plant once sown in the right soil. Seedlings Common 100
Bembel Pitcher (edit) A decorative object to design and beautify your home. Furniture Common 10
Bench (edit) A decorative item that can be placed in any building. Provides comfort, increasing the duration of the rested buff. Furniture Common 1
Bench (with backrest) (edit) Bench A decorative item that can be placed in any building. Provides comfort, increasing the duration of the rested buff. Furniture Common 1
Benches (edit) Iron Bench
Iron Bench.png
A decorative item that can be placed in any building. Provides comfort, increasing the duration of the rested buff. Furniture Common 3
Berry Bush Seedling (edit) A seedling that will grow into a plant once sown in the right soil. Seedlings Common 100
Big Fur Rug (edit) A decorative object to design and beautify your home. Furniture Common 1
Big furry straw mat (edit) A decorative object to design and beautify your home. Furniture Common 1
Big straw mat (edit) A decorative object to design and beautify your home. Furniture Common 5
Black Cauldron (edit) A centerpiece for the Alchemy Station. Furniture Common 1 Fell Monstrosity
Black Powder (edit) A dangerous alchemical substance used to produce explosives. Better watch out! Materials Common 50
Black Powder Ball (edit) An explosive with astounding power that can be thrown. Weapon Rare 21 20
Blue Fabric (edit) Blue dyed fabric used for clothing. Materials Common 50
Blue Globe (edit) A decorative object to design and beautify your home. Furniture Common 10
Blue Luminescent Block (edit)
Luminescent Block.png
A block crafted from Luminous Growth material that glows in the dark. Generic building material Common 5,000
Boiled Eggs (edit) Simple but nourishing. Boosts regeneration in all areas. Consumables Common 20
Bone Block (edit) A block made from pale ribs and cranial bone. Its ivory guise decorates tombs and temples alike Generic building material Epic 5,000
Bone Channel I (edit) Call upon the forces of the underworld to summon projectiles that seek out enemies. Spell Uncommon 15 50
Bone Channel II (edit) Hold to summon bone projectiles that seek out enemies with a devastating force. Spell Uncommon 25 50
Bonemeal (edit) Useful for alchemical and magical purposes. Materials Common 50
Bones (edit) Possessing magical properties, bones of the dead are often used in alchemy. Materials Common 50
Bonescourge Mace (edit) This mace is the bane and banisher of all undead creatures. Melee Weapon Legendary
Books (edit)
Collection of Books2.png
Decorative objecst to design and beautify your home.
Brazier (edit) An illumination item that can be placed in your home. Comfort Common 100
Brick Fireplace (edit) A wonderfully inviting fireplace made from red bricks Furniture Common 1
Broadleaf Tree Seedling (edit) A seedling that will grow into a plant once sown in the right soil. Seedlings Common 100
Bronze Axe (edit) An axe with a bronze head. Sturdier than the Copper version. Tools Common 1
Bronze Barrel (edit) A decorative object to design and beautify your home. Furniture Common 5
Bronze Bars (edit) A beautiful material known for its warm and bright color. Artisans around the world have turned towards it for centuries, due to its workable characteristics. Materials Common 50
Bronze Block (edit) A Bronze Block commonly utilized in art and science. It inspires greatness when used as a building material. Generic building material Common 5,000
Bronze Bowl (edit) A decorative object to design and beautify your home. Furniture Common 10
Bronze Chandelier (edit)
Chandelier (Bronze).png
An illumination item that can be placed in your home. Comfort Common 100
Bronze Cup (edit) A decorative object to design and beautify your home. Furniture Common 10
Bronze Fell Monstrosity Trophy (edit) Even when dead, the swirling chaos inside the gaping maw leaves people spellbound. Don't get too close. Comfort Epic 10
Bronze Fell Sicklescythe Trophy (edit) The Sicklescythe's tongue froze once struck down, too powerless to cast the final curse stuck in its throat. Comfort Epic 10
Bronze Fell Thunderbrute Trophy (edit) Even the most gruesome creatures must bend to the Flame, no matter their size. At least the slushing sounds inside its dome have subsided. Comfort Epic 10
Bronze Fell Wispwyvern Trophy (edit) The scales are heavy with muck and grime, dulling its glow. Hard to believe such a being once illuminated the water lilies under Pikemead's glorious rule. Comfort Epic 10
Bronze Hollow Cyclops Trophy (edit) When encased in solid bronze, the head looks even more menacing than before. Comfort Rare 10
Bronze Jug (edit) A decorative object to design and beautify your home. Furniture Common 10
Bronze Pickaxe (edit) A pickaxe made out of bronze. Only struggling with the hardest of stones, it can be considered very efficient. Tools Common 1
Bronze Platter (edit) A decorative object to design and beautify your home. Furniture Common 10
Bronze Scavenger Matron Trophy (edit) There is still some vile liquid seeping from her lips. Comfort Epic 10
Bronze Vukah Brawler Trophy (edit) Battle-hardened and brutish, the beastly Vukah would create their Brawlers through constant clashes. Only the strongest survived. Comfort Epic 1
Bronze Wall Torch (edit)
Wall Torch (Bronze).png
An illumination item that can be placed in your home. Comfort Common 100
Bug Dust (edit) A protein rich ingredient created from crushed critter shells. Materials Common 50
Campfire (edit) A small campfire to cook food that can give many bonuses. It's a great spot to take a rest and relax. Materials Rare 50
Candle (edit) An illumination item that can be placed in your home. Comfort Common 100
Candleholder (edit) An illumination item that can be placed in your home. Comfort Common 100
Carpet (edit) A decorative item that can be placed in any building. Provides comfort, increasing the duration of the rested buff. Furniture Common 1
