Help:Editing/Map/Ingame coordinates

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Coordinate format: X,Y,Z -- X= horizontal position - longitude), Y= vertical position - latitude, Z= height, optional.
Note: the Y axis grows UPwards, the bottom = 50, the top = 3450 (for early access area). That is the map is in the 1st quadrant of the Cartesian plane or said otherwise Embervale's coordinate system puts it in the northern and eastern hemispheres.

Corners of

(aka. coordinate range of)

Whole world

X-Lon Y-Lat
southwest (SW) 0 0
southeast (SE) 8191 0
northwest (NW) 0 8191
northeast (NE) 8191 8191

Early access area

X-Lon Y-Lat Z-Height
southwest (SW) 1590 50 863
southeast (SE) 8141 50 697
northwest (NW) 1590 3450 1221
northeast (NE) 8141 3450 1211

Size of map area

  • Size of whole map = 8191,8191
  • Size of EA area = 6550,3500 - 1590,50 = 4960,3450

EA compared to whole world: 4960*3450 / 8191*8191 = 25.5% (percent of whole map)

Wiki map's boundaries

Wiki map's coordinates map 1-to-1 to the ingame coordinates that can be acquired by means of reading game memory.
Wiki map's boundaries after scaling:

"topLeft": [ 1590, 3450 ],
"bottomRight": [ 8140, 50 ]

Previous boundaries:

"topLeft": [ 0, 0 ],
"bottomRight": [ 5156, 9596 ]

The scaling multiplier (ingame/previous):

  • x/lon/width: 6550 / 9596 = 68%
  • y/lat/height: 3450 / 5156 = 67%

Location of Ancient Spire portals and noteable locations

Ingame coordinates after teleporting to each portal. In case of the farms the marker points to the well in the center of the farms.

coordinates portal/well flame altar
Cinder Vault 2671,192,902
Springlands 2483,957,1037 2484,933,1040
Low Meadows 3886,603,862 3886,627,864
Revelwood 2782,2620,975 2806,2620,977
Highlands 5743,2763,989 5743,2738,993
Kindlewastes 7377,1468,1059 7377,1444,1062
Rose Shell Burrow 7382,2149,864
Sunsimmer Souterrain 6018,1336,781

Triangulation - point-point distances

Distances from top-left/northwest (NW) corner (whole map and early access)

distances from whole-NW EA-NW
corner coords: 0,8191,199 1590,3495
Springlands 7638m 2681m
Low Meadows 8516m 3683m
Revelwood 6217m 1469m
Highlands 7893m 4208m
Kindlewastes 9971m 6123m
Rose Shell Burrow 9530m 5937m
Sunsimmer Souterrain 9112m 4917m

Distances from bottom-right/southeast (SE) corner (whole map and early access)

distances from whole-SE EA-SE
corner coords: 8191,0 8141,50
Springlands 5778m 5721m
Low Meadows 4338m 4282m
Revelwood 6001m 3935m
Highlands 3682m 3612m
Kindlewastes 1669m 1602m
Rose Shell Burrow 2287m 2223m
Sunsimmer Souterrain 2542m 2474m

Coordinates and height of some peaks

SW peak 1837,273,1310
SW peak 1651,266,1301
NN peak 6922,7728,2461
Sun Temple, bird nest 7477,218,881
SE peak 7725,268,968
Pillars top 4358,1348,1216
northwest of Pike 3781,3494,948
west of Pike, atop buiding 3182,3473,1024
nortwest, peak 1914,3494,1318
west, outside EA, peak 535,2205,1565
west of Pike, outside EA, atop buiding 3173,3578,1067
west of Pike, outside EA, peak 2620,3822,1190
nortwest, outside EA, peak 2024,3530,1278
nortwest, outside EA, peak 1989,3547,1323
NE outside EA 2705,3588,1142
max peak outside EA 7561,5089,2415