Help:Editing/AutoWikiBrowser setup

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  1. Download from:
  2. Extract into its own folder, run


REMEMBER to File->Save settings before exiting otherwise the Replace patterns and such will be lost.

Options / Preferences:

  • Site:
    • Project: custom , https:// ,
      • NOTE: there's no /wiki at the end
  • Editing and saving:
    • YES: Automatically save edit box
      • File: something eg. in Documents
    • Set edit font box: choose a good monospace font, eg. Fira Code / Hack and font size
  • Privacy:
    • NO: Include username to improve accuracy


  • YES: Auto save settings file every 10 pages
  • YES: Do not use section edit summaries
  • YES: Highlight syntax in edit box
  • YES: Highlight Find matches
  • YES: Highlight errors

File / Log in/Profiles...:

  • Add...
    • add credentials
  • Login

Editing setup

TODO ;-)