Exploding Arrow

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The explosive arrow is the last special arrow in this category. This arrow explodes on impact doing 41 points of fire damage in the area.

Explosions do affect the terrain, usually removing a good chunk of it on impact.


Making this arrow is so far the most complex. It requires the furthest progression in the game due to the materials needed.

The recipe requires 25 Flint Arrows, 5 Feather's, which can be found across Nomad Highlands and Kindlewastes from wildlife within it , and Black Powder which you can make at the Laboratory.


  • Due to how expensive these arrows are make, using them sparsely is advised.
  • The arrows ability to form the terrain makes it a great tool for the user to climb very steep terrain, especially when combining it with Ranger tree talent called ''Bee Sting''
  • It is very effective against small enemies which tend to swarm the player, such as bugs and spiders.
  • When using this arrow, one should be careful, as it is very easy to be caught in the explosion radius when used at short range. Arching your shots up can help with this

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