General informations
Enshrouded proposes to create several worlds. Although Embervale is the same regardless of your game type, you can still adjust certain characteristics such as the difficulty or the quantity of loot. Each world can be named to make it easier to manage.
Technical informations
Your saves are stored in a different location depending on your steam configuration :
- Local saves :
%USERPROFILE%/Saved Games/
- Cloud saves :
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\YourSteamUserID\1203620\remote
Find more informations on the official help article.
On the world creation process, you can choose a difficulty :
Relaxed : This is the most relaxed and easiest preset. Enemy amount and difficulty are tuned down, while resource gain is increased. If you mainly love to build huge bases, this is the mode for you.
Default : This is a balanced preset and is recommanded as first time experience for most players. Enemy amount and difficulty is challenging but not overwhelming.
Hard : If you love a challenging combat experience, this preset is for you. There are more enemies in the game world, they attack more often and deal more damage.
Survival : Choose this difficulty if the "Hard" preset is too forgiving. In "Survival", you will gain less XP and have lower health. Additional survival mechanics like hunger are introduced.
Custom : Customize your adventure.
You can change world difficulty from the world selection screen by clicking on Edit
button. Then, you can delete a world from this screen (This operation is irreversible)
Detailed difficulty settings
Enemy Difficulty
Setting name
Possible values
Enemy Damage
- 25%
- 50% (
- 75%
- 100% (
- 150% (
- 200%
- 300%
- 400%
- 500%
Scales all enemy damage by this value.
Boss Damage
- 20%
- 30%
- 40%
- 50% (
- 60%
- 70%
- 80%
- 90%
- 100% (
- 150%
- 200%
- 250%
- 300%
- 350%
- 400%
- 450%
- 500%
This setting scales the damage of boss attacks.
Enemy Health
- 25%
- 50% (
- 75%
- 100% (
- 150%
- 200%
- 300%
- 400%
Scales all enemy health by this value.
Boss Health
- 20%
- 30%
- 40%
- 50% (
- 60%
- 70%
- 80%
- 90%
- 100% (
- 150% (
- 200%
- 250%
- 300%
- 350%
- 400%
Scales all health of bosses by this value.
Enemy Stamina
- 50% (
- 75%
- 100% (
- 125%
- 150%
- 175%
- 200%
Scales all enemy stamina by this value. It will take longer to stun enemies with a higher enemy stamina
Enemy Perception Range
- 50%
- 75% (
- 100% (
- 125%
- 150%
- 175%
- 200%
Scales how far enemies can see and hear the player.
Pacify Enemies
- Off (
- On
If turned on, enemies won't attack the players until they are attacked.
Simultaneous Enemy Attacks
- Easy (
- Default (
- Hard
- Very Hard
This setting controls how many enemies are allowed to attack at the same time.
Emeny Attack Frequency
- 25%
- 50% (
- 75%
- 100% (
- 150% (
- 200%
- 300%
- 400%
Scales the frequency of enemy attacks.
Enemy Amount
- Few (
- Normal (
- More (
- Many
This setting controls the amount of enemies in the world.
Setting name
Possible values
Player Health
- 400%
- 300%
- 200% (
- 150%
- 100% (
- 75% (
- 50%
- 25%
Scales the maximum player health.
Player Mana
- 400%
- 300%
- 200% (
- 150%
- 100% (
- 75%
- 50%
- 25%
Scales the maximum player mana.
Player Stamina
- 400%
- 300%
- 200% (
- 150%
- 100% (
- 75%
- 50%
- 25%
Scales the maximum player stamina.
Body Heat
- 200% (
- 150%
- 100% (
- 75% (
- 50%
Scales how long you can survive in a cold environement.
Mining XP
- 200%
- 150%
- 125% (
- 100% (
- 75% (
- 50%
- 25%
- 0%
Scale the amount of XP received by mining resources.
Quest & Exploration XP
- 200%
- 150%
- 100% (
- 75%
- 50%
- 25%
Scales the amount of XP received by exploring and completing quests.
Combat XP
- 200%
- 150% (
- 100% (
- 75%
- 50% (
- 25%
Scales the amount of XP received through combat.
Setting name
Possible values
Starvation Mode
Enables hunger and starvation. You will need to regularly eat or drink to survive.
Time until starvation[2]
- 20:00
- 15:00
- 10:00 (
- 8:00
- 5:00
This setting controls the length of the hungry state before starvation sets in.
Time In The Shroud
- 200%
- 150% (
- 125%
- 100% (
- 90%
- 80%
- 70%
- 60%
- 50%
Scales how long player characters can remain within the Shroud.
Loot Loss On Death
- Keep All (
- Default (
- Lose All (
You can either keep or lose all items from your backpack when dying. In the default setting, you only lose materials. Lost items are stored in a tombstone and can be recovered there.
Day Duration
- 2:00
- 4:00
- 8:00
- 12:00
- 20:00
- 30:00 (
- 45:00
- 1:00[3]
Scales the length of daytime. A Smaller value equals shorter daytime.
Night Duration
- 2:00
- 4:00
- 8:00
- 12:00 ((
- 20:00 (
- 30:00
- 45:00
- 1:00[3]
Scales the length of nighttime. A smaller value equals a shorter nighttime.
Food Buff Duration
- 200%
- 175%
- 150% (
- 125%
- 100% (
- 90% (
- 80%
- 70% (
- 60%
- 50%
Scales food buff durations.
Weapon Durability
If this setting is switched off, weapons don't break anymore.[4]
Harsh Weather Occurences
- Often (
- Normal (
- Rare (
- Off
Adjust the frequency of harsh weather occurences.
Glider Turbulences
Enables / Disables turbulences during gliding.
Taming Startle Repercussion
- Keep Progress (
- Lose Some Progress (
- Lose All Progress (
Defines how much taming progress you lose when you scare an animal.
Setting name
Possible values
Workshop Production Speed
- 200% (
- 175%
- 150%
- 125%
- 100% (
- 75%
- 50%
- 25%
Scales the speed of production for workshop items.
Plant Growth Speed
- 200% (
- 175%
- 150%
- 125%
- 100% (
- 75%
- 50%
- 25%
Scales the value of the plant growth speed.
Weapon Upgrade Cost
- 25%
- 30%
- 50% (
- 75%
- 100% (
- 125% (
- 150%
- 175%
- 200%
Scales the amount of Runes required for upgrading weapons.
Weapon Upgrade Recycling Yield
- 100% (
- 90%
- 80%
- 70%
- 60%
- 50% (
- 40%
- 30% (
- 20%
- 10%
- 0%
Scales the amount of Runes that are returned to you when salvaging upgraded weapons.
Mining Damage
- 200%
- 150% (
- 100% (
- 75% (
- 50%
This scales the mining damage. A higher mining damage leads to increased terraforming and more yield of resources per hit.
Loot Amount
- 200%
- 150% (
- 100% (
- 75% (
- 50%
- 25%
Scales the amount of materials per loot stack.
Dedicated Server Settings
The default server settings based on update Read more about it on the Official Server Settings article.
"name": "Enshrouded Server",
"saveDirectory": "./savegame",
"logDirectory": "./logs",
"ip": "",
"queryPort": 15637,
"slotCount": 16,
"voiceChatMode": "Proximity",
"enableVoiceChat": false,
"enableTextChat": false,
"gameSettingsPreset": "Default",
"gameSettings": {
"playerHealthFactor": 1,
"playerManaFactor": 1,
"playerStaminaFactor": 1,
"playerBodyHeatFactor": 1,
"enableDurability": true,
"enableStarvingDebuff": false,
"foodBuffDurationFactor": 1,
"fromHungerToStarving": 600000000000,
"shroudTimeFactor": 1,
"tombstoneMode": "AddBackpackMaterials",
"enableGliderTurbulences": true,
"weatherFrequency": "Normal",
"miningDamageFactor": 1,
"plantGrowthSpeedFactor": 1,
"resourceDropStackAmountFactor": 1,
"factoryProductionSpeedFactor": 1,
"perkUpgradeRecyclingFactor": 0.500000,
"perkCostFactor": 1,
"experienceCombatFactor": 1,
"experienceMiningFactor": 1,
"experienceExplorationQuestsFactor": 1,
"randomSpawnerAmount": "Normal",
"aggroPoolAmount": "Normal",
"enemyDamageFactor": 1,
"enemyHealthFactor": 1,
"enemyStaminaFactor": 1,
"enemyPerceptionRangeFactor": 1,
"bossDamageFactor": 1,
"bossHealthFactor": 1,
"threatBonus": 1,
"pacifyAllEnemies": false,
"tamingStartleRepercussion": "LoseSomeProgress",
"dayTimeDuration": 1800000000000,
"nightTimeDuration": 720000000000
"userGroups": [
"name": "Admin",
"password": "AdminXXXXXXXX",
"canKickBan": true,
"canAccessInventories": true,
"canEditBase": true,
"canExtendBase": true,
"reservedSlots": 0
"name": "Friend",
"password": "FriendXXXXXXXX",
"canKickBan": false,
"canAccessInventories": true,
"canEditBase": true,
"canExtendBase": false,
"reservedSlots": 0
"name": "Guest",
"password": "GuestXXXXXXXX",
"canKickBan": false,
"canAccessInventories": false,
"canEditBase": false,
"canExtendBase": false,
"reservedSlots": 0
- ↑ Player Mining XP bar is currently bug : value of 125% is only accessible when you click on the Relaxed button.
- ↑ This setting is not used for difficulties under Survival. You must enable Starvation Mode to use this setting.
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 One Hour (not one minute)
- ↑ Also for armor, shield, tools (like pickaces) but not for torches